Dickinson Wright Recognized by Leadership Council on Legal Diversity as a 2022 Compass Award Winner
October 25, 2022
LCLD is one of the nation’s leading organizations promoting diversity and consists of more than 430 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners—the leadership of the profession—who have dedicated themselves to creating a truly diverse U.S. legal profession.
The Compass Award recognizes those individuals and organizations that fulfill all of the following requirements in a single calendar year:
• Member attendance at the LCLD Annual Membership Meeting and/or Member attendance at a Leadership Summit and/or submission of a Leader’s Pledge.
• Participation in the LCLD Fellows and Pathfinder Programs.
• Participation in an LCLD Pipeline program (the 1L Scholars program or the Success in Law School Mentoring Program).
Last year, LCLD’s Board of Directors announced a requirement for each Member to create a public pledge detailing actions they will take to advance diverse talent. We are proud to be among those organizations who created a pledge by the June 2022 deadline. To read our CEO, Michael Hammer’s pledge, please click here.