Mon. May 11: Assessing Liquidity and Potential Business Transfer Repercussions
May 4, 2020< Back to Full Restart Michigan Webinar Schedule
Webinar Details: 
Monday, May 11
1-1:45 p.m.
As businesses restart and begin operating in the “new normal,” understanding the unique challenges and strategies of crisis management and business continuity planning is paramount. This includes monitoring and managing cash flow and liquidity.
Significant operational and financial strategies need to be implemented, including overhead and other cost reduction initiatives, footprint consolidation, and logistics and distribution streamlining. Simultaneously there is an increased need to understand the status of the supply chain, to identify critical and stressed suppliers, and to find strategic solutions ranging from cost reductions to liquidity support and/or business transfer.
Phil Goy, Director, Financial Restructuring and Supplier Risk Advisory, KPMG
Florian Matena, Senior Associate, Financial Restructuring and Supplier Risk Advisory, KPMG
Mike Kamsickas, Managing Director, KPMG Operations Center of Excellence