Detroit Regional Chamber > Member News > Angela Hospice Presents Free Seminar on Caring for Those With Dementia

Angela Hospice Presents Free Seminar on Caring for Those With Dementia

October 31, 2023
November marks Alzheimer’s Awareness Month as well as National Family Caregivers Month, two topics that fit hand-in-hand with Angela Hospice’s upcoming Angela Cares presentation, Caring for Someone with Dementia.

When some hear about dementia, they focus on all the stigmas that come with it, and don’t get support as early as they should, for themselves or the loved one who is showing symptoms. Jamie LaLonde, Angela Hospice Executive Director and dementia care educator, hopes to give guidance during her seminar on breaking that pattern so critical action can be taken early.

Jamie LaLonde

Jamie LaLonde

The philosophy used in hospice care is similar to providing dementia care, and involves accepting that the condition is degenerative and there may not be a cure, but life can still be valuable and precious. Anyone who has cared for a loved one with the degenerative disease knows it is not easy, but there are resources to help, and ways to continue creating meaningful moments.

“It’s focusing on what time you have, what abilities you have, and who you’re doing it with,” LaLonde said.

LaLonde will lead the virtual presentation on Nov.15 at 1 p.m. via Zoom, offering tips for caregivers and individuals who have someone with dementia in their life, sharing resources and how hospice can help. She’ll also discuss general information about the degenerative condition, such as how it looks different from person to person.

“I would really like somebody to take away some education about what resources are out there, and want them to feel like they’re not alone,” LaLonde said.

LaLonde’s interest in working with those who have dementia came from her time working in nursing homes. That interest grew and after joining the Angela Hospice team in 2021, she began developing a training series and workbook for caregivers on dementia, a project which was recently funded through a grant from the Michigan Public Health Institute and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

“Jamie’s passion for supporting caregivers, and her special knack for connecting with those experiencing dementia, really demonstrate her heart for the kind of work we do here at Angela Hospice,” said Lisa Norton, communications and philanthropy manager for Angela Hospice. “As an organization, we’re grateful to be able to provide something like this for the community.”

Angela Cares is a free speaker series presented by Angela Hospice, meant to empower and engage community members in rich discussions about topics related to end of life, grief, health, spirituality, and family dynamics. Founded in 1985, Angela Hospice is committed to serving southeast Michigan through supportive programs, including hospice and palliative care, grief care, and education.

For more information, or to register for this upcoming presentation, please visit