Whitney Marx
Detroit Regional Chamber > Whitney Marx

Whitney Marx

Chief Executive Officer, MarxModa

As Chief Executive Officer, Whitney Marx has spent the last eight years developing and overseeing cross-functional teams at MarxModa, a leading furniture dealer and commercial design firm across Eastern Michigan and Lansing.

Marx takes pride in working to #makeadifference in her team, communities, and the partners she serves. She has developed her craft in building a team that enhances company culture, enables collaboration, and attracts the talent needed to run a dynamic company.

Marx also believes in the good of people, but perhaps even more in the sanctity of the creatures of flight. She has taken personal responsibility for revitalizing birds that have suffered the hazards of urbanism in Downtown Detroit and successfully rehabilitated many to fly the skies again.

Marx earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing from Michigan State University and uses her skills today to build strong relationships with partners across multiple disciplines, including design, art, architecture, business, higher education, and healthcare.