Detroit Regional Chamber > Research > Businesses See Loss in Productivity and Demand Reveals Survey, Chamber Provides Support

Businesses See Loss in Productivity and Demand Reveals Survey, Chamber Provides Support

March 31, 2020
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The Detroit Regional Chamber’s COVID-19 Business Impact Survey results confirm the negative impacts of the crisis on businesses that we can already see. Loss of demand and workplace productivity remain top issues. By examining what the immediate needs are of businesses, the Chamber can identify the areas where companies need help the most.

  • 83% of respondents state normal business operations have been negatively impacted, either significantly or minimally.
  • Of those who indicate negative impacts, 48.2% note productivity and staffing challenges, and 46% report experiencing a drop in business demand.
  • Looking ahead to the next three months, if the crisis continues, 48.6% of respondents expect to dismiss staff.
  • Most respondents state their business has focused on communication to increase employee morale through this difficult time.

Chamber Answers Your COVID-19 Business Questions

To help businesses struggling with productivity and demand, the Chamber’s COVID-19 Business Resource Center is providing the most up to date news and information for businesses to stay informed and prepared during this unprecedented time.

For companies experiencing losses in productivity due to Gov. Whitmer’s recent “Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives” order, the Chamber has guidelines for businesses to provide employees on maintaining productivity while working remotely.

Some companies have needed to halt operations due to the governor’s order. For those reporting the possible need to dismiss staff, the Chamber has outlined multiple options to ensure layoffs come as a last resort.

Business and Government Experts Give Exclusive Insight

The Chamber’s COVID-19 Tele-Town Hall Series, featuring speakers like U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II, and IHS Markit’s Michael Robinet, provides valuable information from the front lines of those battling the crisis impact.

Listeners can submit questions to speakers during each Tele-Town Hall webinar. While speakers can’t answer every question, the Chamber’s government relations team is reaching out individually to ensure every question is answered.

The team is also answering all questions submitted through the Chamber’s survey and will reach out to businesses directly to offer help first-hand.

Please send your COVID-19 business and policy questions to Brad Williams at