The past January, at her annual State of American Business address, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and Chief Executive Officer Suzanne P. Clark touted how human potential and private sector solutions can address the greatest challenges of our time. However, with American Free Enterprise “under threat,” she called for business to provide a robust defense to drown out the negativity and make its voices heard.
What is the biggest threat to capitalism?
Critics of capitalism on both the progressive left and populist right are attempting to redefine the relationship between business and government. And, too often, the business community is on its back foot. That’s why the U.S. Chamber is launching an effort to change that by creating a broad and bold offensive to answer today’s threats and ensure our collective future.
What would you like to see businesses do more of in terms of its role in democracy?
The U.S. Chamber has been focused on the role of business in promoting civic knowledge and engagement. From participating in initiatives such as the Chamber Foundation’s National Civics Bee competitions in local communities to encouraging employees to participate in civic obligations such as jury duty, businesses can create a more engaged citizenry, leading to a stronger country, economy, and workforce.
If you could do one thing to drive economic growth, what would it be?
Create policy certainty! Businesses thrive when they can plan long-term, but too often the policy environment is disrupted by shifting political winds. Ten of the past 12 elections resulted in a change in control of Congress or the White House, and our federal policies have gone from guardrail to guardrail. Government must set clear and consistent guidelines.