Physician Licensing Investigation Webinar
March 21 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Practicing Preventative Medicine: Anything You Say (or Do) During State Licensing Investigations WILL be Used Against You
Webinar Information:
Whether a licensing investigation is prompted by a patient complaint, a National Practitioner Databank entry, or something else, the first thing state investigators do is request an “informal” interview.
Seems harmless, right? Wrong. Interview requests typically occur even before a formal complaint is issued. They are often recorded, and the target of the investigation will not be Mirandized before the investigator starts asking probing questions. Make no mistake – anything the target says or does in that interview can and will be used against them!
In this webinar, we will discuss how you can practice much more than an ounce of preventative medicine should the state ever come calling. We will review the investigation process with a focus on this critical first interview request. Our presenters will point out the pitfalls and discuss why you should never – ever – agree to participate in an informal interview without first consulting an attorney.
Your medical license could be on the line, so we hope you will join us to learn more!
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is designed to benefit physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, health care office managers and their insurance providers.
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