Detroit Regional Chamber > Mackinac Policy Conference Media Coverage > Insider: Thanedar Features Whitmer in a Mother’s Day Campaign Message

Insider: Thanedar Features Whitmer in a Mother’s Day Campaign Message

May 15, 2024

The Detroit News
May 11, 2024
Chad Livengood, Melissa Nann Burke, Craig Mauger, and Beth LeBlanc

U.S. Rep. Shri Thanedar tried to appeal to female voters ahead of Mother’s Day this past week with a glossy mail advertisement that arrived in mailboxes in the 13th Congressional District — 13 weeks before the Aug. 6 Democratic primary.

The advertisement’s message talked about Thanedar’s mother and wife, Shashi, with a photo of his family and the moms in this life.

“In Congress, I have tried following the lessons these strong women have taught me,” Thanedar wrote. “I’ve worked to empower women — by defending abortion rights, fighting for equal pay and fighting against discrimination in any form.”

Curiously, the ad also featured another mom — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a fellow Democrat who gave Thanedar’s chief primary opponent, state Sen. Adam Hollier, a job as director of the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency.

Thanedar’s mailer didn’t identify Whitmer in writing, it just has a photo of him and the governor. But the image suggests Thanedar has the support of the state’s chief executive in his reelection bid against Hollier and Detroit City Councilwoman Mary Waters in a primary where the victory will almost assuredly prevail in the November general election.