The Detroit News
June 22, 2024
Chad Livengood, Melissa Nann Burke, and Grant Schwab
Republican lawmakers briefly broke out in shouting Thursday on the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives when Democrats in the majority wouldn’t let one GOP member speak on a bill for an issue that doesn’t affect his district.
Chamber Nods
The Detroit Regional Chamber’s Political Action Committee (PAC) put out bipartisan endorsements for the primary elections for U.S. House, backing all but three incumbent members of Michigan’s delegation: Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Shri Thanedar of Detroit and Hillary Scholten of Grand Rapids.
“The chamber greatly appreciates these congressional leaders’ ‘open door’ policy to our team and Chamber members,” said Brad Williams, the Detroit Regional Chamber’s vice president of government relations.
“Congressman John James continues to impress the Chamber PAC by being an active listener in the community and promoting constituent services across the aisle, demonstrating his abilities as a member of Congress.”
The chamber also skipped Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, but he’s retiring and not running for reelection.
The chamber also endorsed 42 in the Michigan House of Representatives, 19 Democrats and 23 Republicans, as well as incumbent David Coulter for Oakland County executive.
“With the new voter-enacted changes to term limits, this election cycle is historic in the Michigan House of Representatives,” Williams said. “For the first time, we are seeing incumbents running in over 100 seats. This allowed the chamber PAC to consider voting records and interactions with these legislators to a greater extent than ever before, setting the stage for another cycle of dependable candidates.”
The statewide Michigan Chamber of Commerce last week endorsed the congressional delegation’s seven Republican members and Matthew Ackerman for the Michigan Court of Appeals.
“These candidates have shown themselves to be committed to Michigan’s job providers and the employees, families and communities they serve,” Wendy Block, senior VP of business advocacy, said in a statement.
“Now, more than ever, we need strong leaders in Washington, D.C., who will work hard to address our economic challenges and advance job growth opportunities.”