Despite the raised concerns surrounding tobacco usage among the Michigan population – especially with children, there are ways to become a part of the solution, like contacting elected officials and sharing correct information with loved ones and prominent community leaders.
“I think the best thing [anyone] can do is [getting] your friends, your family, elected officials [and] prominent people in the community to contact their elected officials [and the] governor and let us know that you want these changes to Michigan law because it really works,” Shink said.
“All the misinformation is out there,” Minou added. “It’s up to us to make sure … the voices of truth are being heard. If you are a person of color, you should be speaking up. If you are someone with kids, someone [whose] had negative experiences, we need your voices. Now is the time. We have to speak up. We can’t be silenced and let the tobacco industry continue to bully us.”