DETROIT (March 2, 2023) – Today, the Detroit Regional Chamber released findings from a new statewide poll of registered Michigan voters. The results reveal a growing gap between voters’ perceptions of economic conditions as well as a disconnect between where voters believe future economic needs and trends will be compared to the consensus of business leaders and economic forecasters. The Chamber’s polling partner, The Glengariff Group Inc., completed this statewide poll of 600 registered Michigan voters between Feb. 10 and Feb. 13, 2023.
“Part of the value of survey research is to understand whether leaders and voters are on the same page,” said Richard Czuba, President of The Glengariff Group, Inc. “On the economy, voters are pessimistic. On advanced education, a large segment of the population believes a high school diploma is enough. And on the move to vehicle electrification, a large block of voters appears reluctant. These numbers highlight the challenges leaders face in bringing voters along in these conversations.”